Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Peanut's Ultrasound Pics

The baby's official nickname, for now, is Peanut. There is not much to these pics yet, but it's still exciting to me anyway!

6 Weeks (Oct 29th)

7 Weeks (Nov 10th)

10 Weeks (Dec 1st)


Lehmann Adventures...... said...

totally awesome!

Sassy Lu said...

That is so exciting!!!

AdaMandy said...

You should be excited. Peanut, is adorable already!

Anonymous said...

That is so exciting Cristy!

Groff Family said...

Love the pictures. I am so glad that the pregnancy is going well.

Groverskate said...

How cool!

Kari and Steve said...

Good job on the book, I really like how you did the layout and the pushpins. Very cute! And ultrasound pictures- exciting!!I am glad things are going okay.