I love the temple!
I am priveledged to be an Ordinance Worker in the Reno Temple. I count this is a great blessing in my life. I will honestly admit that I find greater joy in serving as a worker than in serving as a patron. I'm not sure why that is, but for me, it's the simple truth. There is immense power in being an instrument for the Lord by helping others by performing the ordinances therein. The power and work done in the Lords House is truely sacred.
I work on thursday mornings, a shift that many think is crazy because you have to be there by 445am. For me, its the greatest shift ever. I love the people that I work with... they are loving, kind, and strive diligently to help all those who come to the Temple feel comfortable, welcome, and have the greatest Temple experience possible. This is a duty of Temple Workers.
I had worked last week, but had missed the week prior... so when I was on the shift last Thursday and heard that the Temple would be closed for matinence for the next two weeks, it really took me by surprise. I was wondering how I was going to get along without the spiritual help that comes from going to the Temple so regularly. It actually made me a bit afraid to go forward with the next two weeks. And I have to admit, that this past week, I've felt a little lost without my Temple experience.

I just want to share with you how important the Temple is in our lives. The power there is very real... and necessary to help us become perfected. We need Temple and our ancestors need the Temple. I testify to you that the fact that we have Temples all over the Earth witnesses that our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ love us deeply and yearn for us to return to their presence and partake of eternal life and exaltation with them. Go to the House of the Lord, feel of our Saviors love, and find the peace that cannot be found out in the world.
I'm so glad you get to work there Christy!
You are an inspiration to me. I need to go more often. As a matter of fact, I AM going to go more often!!
Well.. Just make sure you wait till the Temple opens back up!
I'm SOOO excited for when our temple opens up 3 blocks from our house in March 2009!!! :)
Whoa... and I thought 20 minutes away was fabulous!
I love going to the temple, I know that when John and I use to go weekly, it most definitely made our week. It's been a lot harder to get there now, and we have attended that early Thursday morning session, it made for a GREAT day! How fortunate and blessed you are to be able to start your mornings out with the temple! I have always loved the temple but just the last couple of years I have really grown to appreciate it so much more, and yes we do need to go more often, what a great example you are to me.
By the way, I had a great time visiting with you the other day, we need to do that more often!
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