Allie is the best cat I've ever had... and I've had quite a few. Only one other cat (my first cat snuggles) has meant as much to me as my Allie cat. I've had Allie for 5 years. She is a Tuxedo Cat... very sweet and extremely playful, and has hair as soft as a rabbit. She loves to play with her little balls, knocking them around the house and sometimes carrying them around in her mouth... which is way darn cute. There is this strange cry she makes when she is playing with her balls at night... Steve titled it the Ball Song. She has a lot of nicknames... momma, mommy, Allie Cat, Allie Gato, Ish, Ishmamagato. Allie is happy go lucky... she is rarely offended and is pretty content with whatever is going on. She does not mind much when people come over and is even ok with kids petting her. Though when she is done with attention, she will walk away and sit towards the top of the stairs until she is ready for some more attention. Allie is very cuddly, though like a typical cat, she only cuddles when she is ready to cuddle. Fortunately for me, she wants to cuddle quite a bit. At night, she curls up next to me sometime after I've fallen asleep and I wake up most mornings with her nuzzled right next to my chest. Allie is usually where ever I am at in the house. If I'm at the computer, she is in my lap or sitting on my printer. If I'm in the bedroom, she is curled at my feet. If I'm reading, she is sitting on the arm rest or trying to get on the dining room table. She follows me to the bathroom too. Allie likes to be petted the full length of her body and doesn't very often enjoy head scratchies. She is pretty content to simply curl up in my lap and lay there for a while.

Rayden is the most interesting cat I've ever had. She is black (though in the sun she is brownish), and has a white locket on her chest, a white spot on her belly, and white tufts of hair where her armpits are. I adopted Rayden from the SPCA 3 years ago... she was two years old and had spent a year with the SPCA. She has "ways", which for a cat is normal. But I'm telling you, her "ways" are more wayier than most cats. She has this thing about being petted. She loves it... in fact, I'd say she lives for it. But she is very particular about how you pet her. If your not doing it just the right way, she gets fussy and will nip at your hand. She really prefers to have her head scratched.... and I think she could stand it if you would do it for hours on end. She is cuddly, but not in a lovey type of way. It's more like a "pet me... pet me now" announcement. I would say that she is vain. Rayden only has one nick name... Ray Bug, and that is because she can be really annoying when she insists on being petted. Rayden is usually the one who wakes me up in the morning to let me know that the food bowl is empty. Rayden is not into having children visit... as a matter of fact, if there is a child in the house, she goes upstairs and hides until long after they are gone. If there are adults, she will run away, but will come back when she knows it's safe and then try to jump in laps and insist on being scratched and petted. She is not a big fan of chasing balls... her thing is more about playing with string or attacking a mouse size toy. She has recently begun to wrestle with a tennis ball. Lately she has learned that if she absolutely needs to have her petting moment, she can simply jump into my lap. She doesn't really curl up there, she will just sit there a few minutes while I pet her... and when I stop, she complains to me, and then jumps out of my lap.

So, that's all about my little green-eyed girls.
I love my babies too! I have a white and black named Lily and a completly black cat named Grace. They are my pride and joy and love their momma!
You know...the world needs cat people. I'm just glad it's not me, but you already know that! ;)
What happen to this beautiful cat?
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