Sitting on her own
Escapes from the Bumbo
Eats Peaches, Pears, Apples, Chicken, Peas, Carrots, Squash, Sweet Potatos
Gets angry if I take something away from her
Can pull herself into a sitting position
Can pull herself into a standing position
Absolutely loves her little rubber duckies
Will play for short periods of time on her own
Began to enjoy bouncing
Can feed herself with her bottle (knows to tilt it back)
Sips water from a cup
Can push herself out of her bumbo
Is ticklish in the same spots as her Momma
Loves to play with paper and anything else that makes crinkly noises
Can push herself across the floor and spin around on her belly
Can get up on her hands and knees
Will turn the pages of a book when you tell her to
Loves to play peek-a-boo with the blanket
1 comment:
Those are some great pictures, love 'em.
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