Every week for about 2 months now, I've been going to the pernatoligist so they could watch my cervix. Every week it has been the same, everything looks great. Yesterday, the perinatal Dr. said that we can pretty much rule out cervical incompentcy... which is great! He also said that I will not have to come in anymore, unless my OB/GYN recommends it... such great news. I'm still supposed to take it easy and watch out for signs of preterm labor.
Also yesterday, the Dr. took some more measurements of little Peanut... she is growing just the way she is supposed to be growing. It's so exciting to see how big she is getting every week! Yesterday, I saw her little hand open and close a couple of times... it's so darn cute. The Dr. gave me a few ultra sound pictures, including 2 3D images.
So, how I've been feeling....
I feel fabulous. I'm happy to be pregnant. I'm really starting to get that baby bump, which is very exciting. It's something that I didn't get to experience with Joshua's pregnancy, so I'm just eatin up all kinds of attention focused on my belly. I LOVE IT! The question we get all the time now is, "Have you thought of any names?". Yes. Right now, her name is probably going to be either Kathryn May or Abigail May.... which one is most likely may depend on which parent you ask.

I'm so excited for you! And yes, I noticed the baby bump at church on Sunday. I love both of those names, but I especially love Abigail. I couldn't get Aaron to go for that one though, but I love it!
So cute, I love those first little pictures! You look great!! I'm so glad that everything looks great!
I'm so happy for you. It's awesome to know that everything looks great. You look beautiful.
Loved both names... Abigail is so cute.
Thanks guys!
Yeah... I'm leaning towards Abigail. Steve suggested it. What's funny is that if you ask Steve if we have chosen a name yet, he will tell you "we are arguing about it"... so funny. Anyway, Kathryn and Abigail are the two that we both like.
oh great, you're ahead of us already! we still have no clue what to name our baby girl and i'll be 29 weeks tomorrow. i really like abigail. whose idea was that?
Abigail was Steve's suggestion.
We're so happy for you guys. I'm glad all is going well with the pregnacy. I looked up what your baby names mean. Maybe this will help...
Abigail means "my father's joy"
Kathryn means "beloved"
Those are both great meanings. Maybe it won't be helpful at all. At least you have a few months to figure it out.
I'm so excited for you and Steve!!!! I wish we were closer so I could pamper you and lone my young ones as baby sitters when the time comes! *grin*
Gosh Christy it is so great to hear that everything is picture perfect! Except for Steve being gone that is... John left when I was 20 weeks along with Kennedi. Glad that we will be in the same area of the world when you are ready to have the little cutie!
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