So... I saw the movie on Friday. Loved it! Of course... though I wasn't sure I would. I am often dissapointed with movies that come from a book. I thought they did a great job. I had origninally been really dissapointed in the actor they chose to play Edward. Eck... but, I have to say that he did a great job. I've been watching all weekend how much money the movie would make. I had read on Friday that they wern't considering making New Moon a movie unless Twilight earned 150 million. It made 70 million this opening weekend, and I read on wikipedia that they have already approved the making of New Moon... thank GOODNESS!!! They sure left it open for it at the end!!
Anyway... going to the movie has reopened my Bella Edward obsession, and I'm going through the series again. I'm already through Twilight and will be starting New Moon (my least fav.. I'm thinking about skipping over it) after I'm done with this post. Though, Brother MacDonald asked me yesterday if he could borrow my copy of New Moon. I havn't decided yet it this will be my excuse to skip over it or not!

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I agree totally! I thought they did such a fantastic job on the movie! I want to read the series again as well. I have to agree that the 2nd book was very tough to get through. I mopped around the house, almost in a depressed state. But, I will definately see it again!
New Moon isn't very good? Should I jump over to the third book, or is there info in New Moon that you have to have to continue?!? Help me out here!! I'm going to be in San Diego all Saturday with nothing to do and I might go buy one of the books but I need to know which one...
I'm so glad you liked it. I've heard mixed reviews, but mostly good. I haven't seen it yet and won't for a while so I'm jealous. See aren't you glad I lent you my twilight book way back when?
John... you cannot skip NEW MOON... you have to read it. It's an absolute must. You will enjoy it, I'm sure! Don't be hesitant... once you read it, you will figure out why some people like skipping over it, not everyone though.
Yes.. thank you Mandy for introducing me to Twilight! The most addictive book series ever! I can't wait till you can go see it!
I never read the twilight the series, but i went to watch the movie last saturday night and it was really good. have a happy thanksgiving.
Ok - I believe you - you didn't steer me wrong with the first one... Thanks - I will pick up a copy!
You can still borrow mine if you like! I will have it done by tomorrow and can drop it off at your house... the Youth has an activity, so we will be there at 6 tomorrow evening.
wow, i love the song on your blog!!! hope you had a good thanksgiving and everything is going well with your pregnancy!
your sister in law steffi :)
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