Our Home Teacher was here today and extended to us a challenge to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. I am very excited about it! So, I went online and found a nice BOM reading chart so I can keep track of my progress in a sort of fun way.
I'm going to go start at the beginning right now!

Great idea! I was actually able to do the President Hinckley challenge and read the Book of Mormon in 97 days... actually less! It was wonderful to actually accomplish it! And the blessings were obvious!
Love ya!
Way to go Christy!
Christy, I ran across your blog by accident and I loved the title. My son was a Hoosier for four years, attending IU. We have a real fondness for your state. I wish you great luck with your BOM goal this year. And congratulations on your little "peanut". That's how our dughter referred to her baby, and now he's here! Your's will be too!
Laurie LC Lewis
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