Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sooooo Tired

I am feeling so tired all the time. Normally I'm a morning person. I love being up at 6 and getting started with all my little assingments like laundry, cleaning the house, studying scriptures... stuff like that. But for the past 3 weeks, I cannot seem to get out of bed until about 830, it is seriously hampering my ability to take care of my home. I wake up tired and I'm tired all day. It sucks!! No matter how early I go to bed, even if I wake up at 630 or 7, I will just lay there in bed because I feel SOOOO TIRED!!! Don't get me wrong... I'm extremely grateful to be pregnant right now, but WHY do I HAVE to be so TIRED ALL THE TIME?!!?


Anonymous said...

He's growing (to say he is habit you know) It's good for ya, get some rest! It does get frustrating though sometimes when your used to moving all the time and don't have the energy!!!!

CM Stephensen said...

Julie keeps reminding me that I should be grateful I can rest and not have to chase kids around right now!

Pittman Four said...

That's a sign to your body to rest... You better listen to it. One day you won't have the luxury. TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW!!!!!!!!

CM Stephensen said...

I'm soooo sleepy today. I don't want to go to church... I just want to go back to bed.

I hear it calling me.

Pittman Four said...

you have an excuse that is very valid. You have to take care of yourself in your delicate condition. Way back who knows when, pregnant women were not even seen in public.


CM Stephensen said...

Delicate condition indeed!!

I did skip out on Sunday School and YW today. Sacrament was good!

Anonymous said...

Ya know, right now, your job description is officially "Incubator" and it takes a lot of energy to run one of those things! *grin*

Enjoy the time. When you're holding that little one, your house will be trashed anyway, so get used to it! The best thing anyone ever did for me was to send a poem. Go peek at my blog - it's there just for you!