So... I saw the movie on Friday. Loved it! Of course... though I wasn't sure I would. I am often dissapointed with movies that come from a book. I thought they did a great job. I had origninally been really dissapointed in the actor they chose to play Edward. Eck... but, I have to say that he did a great job. I've been watching all weekend how much money the movie would make. I had read on Friday that they wern't considering making New Moon a movie unless Twilight earned 150 million. It made 70 million this opening weekend, and I read on wikipedia that they have already approved the making of New Moon... thank GOODNESS!!! They sure left it open for it at the end!!
Anyway... going to the movie has reopened my Bella Edward obsession, and I'm going through the series again. I'm already through Twilight and will be starting New Moon (my least fav.. I'm thinking about skipping over it) after I'm done with this post. Though, Brother MacDonald asked me yesterday if he could borrow my copy of New Moon. I havn't decided yet it this will be my excuse to skip over it or not!
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